Cape Town Ulama Board South Africa, Faith Based Matters, International Affairs, News and Updates, Ulama, Ulama Board

Critical Discussion and engagement session on Saturday in Cape Town, this special meeting took place at the Boardroom of the Muslim Judicial Council.

Members of the Muslim Judicial Council, Cape Town Ulama Board, SAMNET, AMAL and Islamia College met with Ustaad Mazhar Khan during a special closed meeting.

Mazhar Khan is activist in the United Kingdom, who is actively involved in matters of the muslim comunitty. He discussed the international issue that we are faced with, ‘Muslims Navigating or Responding to LGBTQIA+ issues’,

This has come at a time when the Western Cape Government is taking ‘Pride’ in flashing the rainbow colours, The colours of the LGBTQ flag have been flashed across state buildings in Support of this Minority community.

The bold acceptance and prominence given to this matter poses a challenge to our God Fearing citizens. Khan has been advising parents as well as Muslim institutes in the United Kingdom and in other parts of the world on how to deal with this challenge.

The Cape Town Ulama Board and Muslim Judicial Council have already issued statements of dissatisfaction with the actions of the Western Cape Government in regards to prioritizing certain issues over others while the United Ulama Council of South Africa is in the process of discussions surrounding the issue on a national level in South Africa.

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