The Cape Town Ulama Board extends its heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Ismail Vadi on the publication of his groundbreaking book titled, “Teachers in the Struggle against Apartheid Education”.
This important work delves into the history of education during the apartheid era, shedding light on the struggles and triumphs of those teachers who bravely fought against the oppressive apartheid education system. By highlighting the biographical sketches of forty-five leading teachers, primarily from Lenasia and Johannesburg, Dr. Vadi brings their stories to the forefront, ensuring their invaluable contributions are recognized and celebrated.
The Cape Town Ulama Board commends Dr. Vadi for his meticulous research and dedication to preserving this important part of South Africa’s history. This book serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength of these remarkable individuals, who played a significant role in shaping the education landscape during such challenging times.